Be My Valentine?

Prickly Pear Cactus

Prickly Pear Cactus

Today is the last day of our Southwestern adventure. It’s also Valentine’s Day, though in our family we have celebrated our son’s birthday on February 14th more than we celebrated Valentine’s Day. Or at least we have until the last few years.

Fitting that my Valentine’s post is a sweet heart of a prickly cactus from the Sonoran Desert just west of Tucson. Love that desert!

Catalina State Park

Mountain-Hugging Clouds

Santa Catalina Mountains in Tucson

Much of Catalina State Park was hidden under an early morning cloud cover. It didn’t take long for the sun to burn through the clouds and by mid-morning the sky was Arizona’s trademark – a deep blue.


Moody Desert in Black and White

Moody Desert in Black and White

Candle Wood, Coach Whip, Flaming Sword, Jacob’s Staff, Slim Wood, Vine Cactus – all are various names for the Ocotillo cactus.

Found only in the Sonoran desert in the Southwest United States and adjacent Mexico, it is a practical plant. Its branches, covered with spiky thorns, makes a naturally effective fence. Those thorns are sharp, nothing to be reckoned with.

But its silhouette is a source of beauty, rising from the floor of the desert, reaching upwards to the blue skies.

A Sea of Saguaro

Saguaro National Park

Saguaro National Park

I am so happy to be back in the desert, able to walk among these giant cacti, the mighty Saguaro. I have visited over a hundred National Parks and Monuments, in 46 states, and I think this is the park that most loudly calls my name. I want to explore it, talk to it, photograph it, sketch it. Lots of folks think the desert, and Saguaro National Park, is harsh and hostile, but I find it attractive, alluring, full of life.

Saguaro National Park

Tucson in background

Tucson in background

Visited Saguaro National Park at sunset. The low sunlight gave the cacti a glowing cast and contrasted with the purple mountains of Tucson in the background.