The Beginning: Solo in Tucson

Frozen in Frozen Custard Land

Frozen © 2011 Bo Mackison

I am a woman of a certain age, raised in a certain time and of a certain generation.

And like so many woman my age, I have seldom been on my own. On those few occasions when I did travel alone, I was only away from my home and husband for a few days at a time. I have never lived on my own, except for the six months between my college graduation and my marriage. And even then, I had a roommate.

For the last couple of years, Sherpa and I have traveled to the Southwest for two weeks in the winter.  And truly, the sun sent a feeling of newness through my body and soul. I felt alive and awake in the Arizona sunshine. And I felt disheartened as I realized how I struggled through the many weeks of late winter in Wisconsin, year after year, unable to appreciate or fully take advantage of each new day.

After our return to the Midwest from our Southwest travels last February, I began having dreams starring little snowy birds as the main characters. These birds flew to Arizona each night, waving goodbye to me, while trilling, “Don’t worry. We’ll be back when the tulips start to bloom.” Gradually my dream changed – I became the snow bird in the dream. And I flew away to Arizona, sweetly singing, “See you in April!”

Week after week passed and I dreamed of living in Tucson, and I kept muttering to myself, “It’s JUST a dream! Get over it!”

This month, that all changes. Tomorrow Sherpa and I will drive to Tucson, where I have rented a very small condo for the next two months.  Sherpa has obligations in Wisconsin, and to boot, he rather likes winter. He will be returning to Wisconsin. And I have a couple of obligations in Arizona. First, Seeded Earth Studio and I will be exhibiting my photography in at least two, possibly three, art fairs in the Tucson area from early February to early April. And second, I want to prove to myself that I can live alone for those two months.

It’s a pretty big challenge for me. I am excited; I’m also a little worried.

I will be blogging about my experience, and I hope you will join me as I share the adventures of Bo as she establishes herself as an artist in Arizona, and as she learns the skills necessary to survive, contentedly, in a very small condo in a place that doesn’t see much winter!

Bo Goes Solo!  In Tucson!


Bo Mackison is the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is living in Tucson for the next eight weeks, taking daily opportunities to visit deserts and desert gardens while practicing her photography, and blogging about learning to live on her own. Share Bo’s Excellent Adventure as she writes about living in Tucson, solo!

Palm Shadows in Tohono Chul Park

Tucson Arizona

 Sunny Days

Missing Tucson’s sunny days, but I have photos enough to keep me busy until the flowers bloom in Madison.

I visit to Tohono Chul Park in Tucson offers unlimited opportunities for photographic play with color, light and shadow, and texture.