A Mother’s Day Bouquet

Candy Colored Tulip, Allen Centennial Garden at Madison Wisconsin

Order Tramadol With Mastercard Candy Colored Tulip © 2011 Bo Mackison

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https://purestpotential.com/wkwsukric3 Celebrating spring, sunshine, flowering gardens, and . . . Mother’s Day!

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Order Tramadol India Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  She is taking the day off and enjoying Mother’s Day.


Opening Slowly

Upon Opening, Tulip at Allen Centennial Garden, University of Wisconsin-Madison

go Upon Opening, A Tulip © 2011 Bo Mackison

https://alldayelectrician.com/1jrzmkcydt “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~~Anais Nin

go site Seems I need to have this quote up for another day.

Tramadol Uk Order That day does come, the day mentioned in the quote by Anais Nin . . . the day when it is more painful to stay hidden, even if you are tucked in, swaddled and protected. The time comes when you need to take a deep breath and open yourself to the wonders and joys of the world.

click here You can’t stay hidden because not everything is wondrous and joyful. Some things in this world are painful or frightening or just plain messed up, some people are angry and don’t care what they say or who they hurt in their bid to get what they want.

go to link I got a message in an email today which went something like this: If you look for the good while you are on your journey, and look for good in your relationships, and in your work, then you will find good.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/whbi2spx And if you look for the bad, well, then you will find that, too. Ah, so true.

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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/xejmfyo I am back home after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona, had a couple of rough weeks adjusting to life back in Wisconsin. Still adjusting, still adjusting…

Kaufmanniana Tulip

Kaufmanniana Tulip with Mottled Leaves at Allen Centennial Garden, University of Wisconsin-Madison

go to link Kaufmanniana Tulip © 2011 Bo Mackison

https://www.yolascafe.com/qo2la738 One of the earliest tulips to bloom is the Kaufmanniana Tulip. Due to its diminutive size–maybe 6 inches high–it is frequently planted in rock gardens. This tulip, one of the first in bloom in the garden, was photographed at Allen Centennial Park on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus.

Focus on Leaves, Mottled Leaves of Kaufmanniana Tulip at Allen Centennial Garden, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Mastercard Tramadol Focus on Leaves © 2011 Bo Mackison

I found the mottled markings on the leaves almost as interesting as the flowers, but due to a cloud burst, I curtailed my photo session. Just didn’t feel like getting drenched without warm clothes available and the temperatures were dropping to the lower 40s. [Reminder to self: put rain clothes in back of car.]

When the sun makes an appearance, I’m going back to capture some tulip leaf photographs. Or after I buy a sturdy pair of rain boots!


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Bo is back in Wisconsin after spending the first part of 2011 in Arizona. She is watching as Spring tiptoes into Wisconsin.

Tulip in Blue Bugle

Yellow Tulip in Blue Bugle at Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison Wisconsin

Tulip in Blue Bugle © 2010 Bo Mackison

These little yellow tulips are scattered in beds of blue carpet bugle. Makes a pretty picture.

Sunny Tulip

Orange Tulip in Allen Centennial Gardens at University of Wisconsin Madison

Sunny Tulip © 2010 Bo Mackison

This tiny orange tulip in my garden stands only 4 inches high and the flower itself is less than an inch tall. It packs a lot of beauty in a small package.