Traveling to the Desert – Day 3

go here Attachment-1 copy 1000 miles done, 800 miles to go.

source url January 2nd and businesses are open, back to business as usual. The 6 am crowd, grits and coffee and conversation, at a diner west of Liberal, Kansas. Attachment-1(2) copy

source link Excuse me, you there in the front seat. Can you please tell me…what does “1800 miles” mean again? Attachment-1(4) copy

enter site 1100 miles done, 700 miles yet to go

click Hooker, Oklahoma “It’s a location, not a vocation.” Town motto. Attachment-1(5) copy

click here Grain elevators…in every town along the way.

source link I see these elevators as visible symbol of each town we pass through, as a conglomeration of add-on buildings, as central figure in a town or as building on the periphery. But I also see them in an abstract way – composition, light and shadow, and what can I capture instinctively, no time to stop or study. What do I see, where do I focus? Sometimes I like what I see in the many grain elevator photographs I take, sometime I press delete a lot. Attachment-1 copy 2 1300 miles in the past, still 500 miles to go

Order Tramadol From China Santa Rosa, New Mexico.  A stop for lunch – complete with a tres leche pudding (not a baked custard, a creamy pudding) which made my sweet tooth happy in a most contented way.

Online Tramadol Overnight Delivery Prickly pear cactus in the snow. The house was abandoned, but the cactus garden was thriving. Attachment-1(9)

source link 1400 miles done, 400 to go.

see url A surprise. The remnants from Winter Storm Goliath that covered eastern New Mexico with several feet of snow a week ago.

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watch Only 5 to 8 inches remained, but the high desert was a winter wonderland. Junipers and cedars still glittered with an icy coating.

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get link I’ve arrived in the desert, but documentation of “every 100 miles” took awhile to process (in between cleaning, getting groceries, and all the other jobs required after a long absence).

Order Tramadol Cod Overnight Delivery Since time and distance were the travel priorities, all photos taken “on the fly” = zipping past at 65-75 miles per hour. All photos using my iPhone and Hipstamatic app with the filter set on random. Optional post processing.

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