Giving Thanks to the Trees Many people, other than the authors, contribute to the making of a book, from the first person who had the bright idea of alphabetic writing through the invention of the movable type to the lumberjack who felled the trees that were pulped for printing. It is not customary to acknowledge the trees themselves, though their commitment is total.
~ Rada and Forsyth, Machine Learning When I examine my bookshelves for the perfect book to read, I am always thankful for my books. I’ve never thought to be thankful for the trees, too.

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The Convent Sitting Room The Convent Sitting Room

Tramadol Illegal Order Online I went to a high school run by a religious order of nuns. Half the brick building was the school; the other half was the convent. The building was destroyed by fire a decade after I graduated and the only parts of the structure that were not harmed were the chapel and the nuns’ sitting room. (I have no clue how that happened – the two areas were in separate parts of the building!) These two spaces were incorporated into the new building constructed for a seniors’ apartment complex. When in my hometown last week and visiting in one of the apartments, I walked past the old sitting room, camera in hand, and happened upon the shadows playing wildly on the parquet flooring. It just seemed like I should capture the photo for memories’ sake. I once stood in this room as a 16 year old, accompanied by a concerned parent, and listened to a very long, very stern lecture. But I have no recollection what topic we were all discussing. . . that’s probably good.