The Devil’s Urn

AKA Black Tulip Fungi

Order Tramadol Cod Online AKA Black Tulip Fungi

go to site The Devil’s Urn is a fungi often found in spring on sticks or small logs. It is most common east of the Rockies, but is also found in the Midwest. I found this cluster while checking out the Noe Woods in the University of Wisconsin Arboretum for ephemeral wildflowers. The reference I consulted noted that these fungi begin to fruit a bit earlier than morel mushrooms and continue through much of the morel season.

source I love morel mushrooms (think dipped in egg and cracker crumbs and fried until golden brown) but since moving to Wisconsin, I have never found them in their natural setting. In western Illinois, I frequently went mushroom hunting with my grandfather as a kid, and it was not unusual to come home with 10 to 20 pounds of morels after a day out in the woods. I have found them at the Farmers’ Market in Madison, and they are sold at a premium price. I saw them last year for $30 a pound, and I will not admit to indulging at that price, though many people gladly pay that sum. The morels are usually sold out an hour or so after the market opens.

source link As far as eating the Devil’s Urn, I wouldn’t recommend it. There is little in the literature to suggest that this fungi is poisonous, but when eating mushrooms the rule is “Eat nothing you cannot absolutely identify as non-poisonous.” And with a name like Devil’s Urn, it sure doesn’t sound too promising.

Tramadol Hcl 50 Mg Purchase About Bo Mackison

watch I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and see Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. source site I don’t recall seeing this type of mushroom but perhaps I wasn’t paying attention while out and about in the woods. What an interesting mushroom and name to go with!

  2. I had never seen those before either, although I’ve seen several that faintly resembled them. Never the deep cups though.

  3. go site On my wish list of things to do would be a biblical garden – I think that fungi would be an interesting addition. Nice photo! On morels: I found one in my yard this year, too old to eat. And also on Mother’s Day my sons and their families tromped the woods my mother owns and found 3. So we cooked them and anyone who wanted to taste them got a bite or two. I love them.

  4. reminds me of a wasp nest…the way the little openings are.

  5. Tramadol Prices Online reminds me of a wasp nest…the way the little openings are.

  6. Very cool shot, Bo. They do look a lot like black tulips. I enjoy morels too, but it’s been a very long time since I’ve had one. We used to camp in Wisconsin (north and a little west of the Dells) and one year they had a guide at the campground who took us all tromping through the woods to find edible plants and fungi. We came back with a bag full of morels (and other stuff, but I don’t remember what the other stuff was) and the guy fried them up with butter and garlic. That was my first taste of morels. I’ve never been able to find them here in Ohio.

  7. get link Very cool shot, Bo. They do look a lot like black tulips.

    go I enjoy morels too, but it’s been a very long time since I’ve had one. We used to camp in Wisconsin (north and a little west of the Dells) and one year they had a guide at the campground who took us all tromping through the woods to find edible plants and fungi. We came back with a bag full of morels (and other stuff, but I don’t remember what the other stuff was) and the guy fried them up with butter and garlic. That was my first taste of morels. I’ve never been able to find them here in Ohio.

  8. source Devil’s Urn – curious name and a great shot.

  9. Devil’s Urn – curious name and a great shot.

  10. *laughs* No, not too promising.

    Real Tramadol Online I love reading your blog. Do you know what you are, Bo? You’re a naturalist, and a damn good one. It’s kinda cool to actually know one of those- the whole world can claim Thoreau, but I have a naturalist right on my buddy list. 😉