These sweet tulips pop out of the ground near my front door every May, but I have no recollection of planting tulip bulbs there nor do I have any idea what kind of tulips they might be.
follow link They are only about 6 inches high and the tulip bloom itself is only about 1 inch in diameter. I love how the orange is fringed with the green. They are a dynamite garden addition in a rather small package.
click I am such a softy when it comes to tulips… I admit it willingly. Your first shot is brilliant.. the second perfect focus of the subject…. I completely love this. Beautiful shots. In my area they open and then disappear along the roadsides – it’s a bit like magic. Beautiful Bo… you give testimony to the brief beauty of these flowers. Hello Bo, thank you so much for your kind comments about my new photography online shop – means a lot and I know that your are also heading in this direction. I adore these new photos of tulips you have taken and I must admit, they are an unusual variety. The fact that you have them in your garden without even planting them is a bonus. lol! There is something so gorgeous about a tulip and I agree with aullori, I am a softy re. tulips as well. Lesley
Purchase Tramadol Online Cheap Gorgeous photos thank you. I can never quite decide if tulips are sturdy or fragile – or both… They fade so fast when you cut them, but outside they weather the storms and determinedly reveal their inner beauty. Joanna Gorgeous. I haven’t seen an orange variegated tulip before. Lovely captures and I like both shots equally! 🙂 Nice work, Bo. Not sure which one I like better…they both make me want to sniff the page! Lovely! I admire all tulips: they are both beautiful and indomitable, especially the small ones.
Best Place To Order Tramadol Online Beautiful shots, Bo. And beautiful tulips. I’ve never seen tulips like this before. I love the orange and green and how they go in waves together. Cool photos.
Ordering Tramadol Online Legal I’d tell you the name of the tulips, if I knew it. Alas I know it not.
The color and detail are wonderful. I don’t know which shot I like better. They seem to be reaching up to capture the nectar of the gods.
Very nice. But I don’t know why anyone would not have any recollection of doing something. I used to know. . .
Beautiful tulips. I love the color, and the photography is stunning!
I really like the second picture. Coolness.