Coastal Dreaming © 2008 Bo Mackison
If you think you are cold, you are. If you think you are warm, you are warm. All you have to do is ask, and the world conspires to give you what you ask for. Right? Hmm.Maybe the world hasn’t been listening too well. I quit asking for cold and snow months ago, but I don’t think the world heard me. I’m still wearing long underwear 24/7 and I have developed a deep and personal relationship with my snowblower.
Anyone else feeling ignored out there in blog land? Rumor has it that the Leap Day Fairy is willing to leap tall buildings in order to bring joy into our days. When I called her on our behalf, however, she informed me, “No one, not even wonderful me, messes with Mother Nature.”
I knew that.
Yes, I told the guy I buy coffee from every morning that I’m officially done with winter. And what does the weather do? -17 with windchill (celcius that is) and snow for today.
Nice picture though….. ahhhhh
Give Mother N her due (not to be confused with dew which comes in Spring & Summer). It’s not over til the proverbial Fat Lady sings. The Fat Lady (whoever she may be) definitely likes snow. So fret & fuss if you must. Enjoy the snow while it’s here and enjoy the what Spring brings next. Long live the Fat Lady.
I don’t think winter is through blowing and going. We’re expecting thunderstorms Sunday night and snow on Monday. Brrr! Ahhh! To be on a beach basking in the warming sun! Lovely photo! 🙂
nice rich colors
I’m going to visualize myself on that beach.
Gorgeous photo. I love the colors. 🙂
Nice opposing contrast to the Ice Storm photo in the previous post. I need a vacation!
Ha! My friend and I used to have a saying…”Visualize it and it will be yours!” We said it at the bowling alley right before we’d try to throw that second strike in a row.
Yeah, it didn’t work there, either but it was funny to watch the other bowlers watch US as we’d stand with ball in hand, deep in thought, while the other one would whisper, “Visualize it and it WILL be yours!”
What a hoot!
lol, I love your whimsical prose. I probably wouldn’t mess with Missy Nature, either, but yeah winter’s been overstaying it’s welcome.
I often feel that way come February.
I am seeing it, but I am just not feeling it 🙂
No, I think Mom nature is not very pleased with any of us 😉
She doesn’t take the nasty smell away over here either.
Why should she.