Sound Byte – A Poem


Morning Flight © 2014 Bo Mackison

Morning Flight © 2014 Bo Mackison

Sound Byte

The sound was so even, so precise,
I looked around the room, half-expecting
to see the old rocker swaying,
inhabited by grandmother’s ghost.

But no, it was the creak of Canada geese —
their approach, fly over, diminuendo.
And I was held in stillness — breathless
at the wonder of it all.


Playing with words is a part of the practice on the Contemplative Creatives Journey, of holding an awareness of what catches your attention. What are the connections made without thought? What insight comes when transcribing words from thought to writing, the moment not lost but gently held?

Please consider joining me on the Contemplative Creatives Journey, an online workshop and community. Beginning December 1st, 2016.


House Asunder – A Mandala & The Poetry It Inspired

House Asunder @ 2016 Bo Mackison

House Asunder @ 2016 Bo Mackison

Sometimes, after I create a mandala, I look and I see a story. Or in this case, a story written through poetry.

House Asunder

Split asunder, this house of me.
Unholy and discordant, I search old bones
for moments caught — oh tenuous, the breakthrough —
the scour of memory for treasure once shiny
bright and ribbon wrapped.

In the rubble, ladders suspended, the route out
is unclear. Heart explosions are messy affairs.

Yet shimmers cannot be denied, light still flickers
on splinters and shards. Whose task is this?
The putting together of that which has come apart?


Playing with the practice of combining mandala making and poetry writing,  part of an online workshop I’m creating that meld words, vision and place. Details coming soon!


Weave the Sky. Weave the Words.

The Stars are Singing © 2016 Bo Mackison

Weave the Sky with Stars © 2016 Bo Mackison

Weave the Sky with Stars

maple branches leafing
owls in trees hooting
worms in the earth dancing

prairie grasses rooting
breezes blowing
rivers flowing

words knowing
harmony and ease


Using words and vision and place to shine the light on the contemplative creatives’ journey.


Blessed Be the Night People – A Mandala

© 2016 Bo Mackison

Blessed Be the Night People © 2016 Bo Mackison

A mandala for insomniacs.

Blessed be the night
people, awake and listening
to starsong by moonlight.

Shine A Light


Working on my soon-to-be-offered workshop.

I’m practicing shining a light into the shadows.
