Hummer Portrait – Anna’s Hummingbird

Male Anna’a Hummingbird © 2014 Bo Mackison “There is something inside the soul of all of us that wants to soar through sunbeams, then dance midair in a delicate mist, then take a simple bath on a leaf. There is something in our souls that wants to hover at beautiful moments in our lives, making them freeze in time. There is something in us that wants to fly backwards and savor once more the beautiful past. Some of us are just hummingbird people.” ~ Ted Andrews, Animal Speak What a beauty, the Anna’s Hummingbird. One of the more common hummingbirds in Arizona, but always a visitor worth stopping for to enjoy  his spirited movements. If nothing else, the hummingbird reminds me to pause and appreciate the beauty surrounding me — and not just the wondrous hummingbird which is easy to appreciate, but all of the mysteries in the natural world.

Flashing his Colors © 2014 Bo Mackison The male hummingbird turned towards the sun in the western sky, and I saw a magnificent display of his colors, a flash in the sunlight. At a slightly different angle the iridescent pinks fade into deeper colors. This flash of color is often a part of the hummingbird’s mating ritual – the male dives, dances, and flashes his glimmering colors towards a female, signaling his intentions. The female may accept or simply fly off.

source site This little guy reminds me of a miniature, pink feathered Darth Vader!

Anna’s Hummingbird in Color © 2014 Bo Mackison

Buying Tramadol Online Illegal “Hummingbird shows us how to re-visit the past for the purpose of releasing it instead of being caught in a permanently backward flight pattern. It also helps us to see that if we step aside we may see our life differently. Hummingbird teaches us to transcend time, to recognize that what has happened in the past and what might happen in the future is not nearly as important as what we are experiencing now. It teaches us to hover in the moment, to appreciate its sweetness.” ~ Constance Barrett Sohodski

Anna’a Hummingbird © 2014 Bo Mackison

source Recently I’ve been seeing hummingbirds wherever I go. They seem to be hovering nearby, not only at the backyard bird feeders, but also in the grocery store parking lot or deep in the Sonoran Desert when I am hiking. I am never too busy to stop and admire their beauty, and be reminded of their independence and determination.


enter site About Bo Mackison

Cheap Tramadol Uk I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and see Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course see The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. Wow!!! Enjoyed the quotes and the images.

  2. Your photos are incredible! and with the words–I will never look at a hummingbird the same again.

    • Bo Mackison says

      watch Hummingbirds are a special bird, always make me stop and look. They are always so busy. And beautiful in their dancing flight, too.

  3. Oh my! What a beautiful, beautiful bird. Incredible captures, Bo. 🙂

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