Tomorrow the trip home begins. I am almost packed, the condo has been cleaned, the trailer that holds Seeded Earth Studio while we are on the road is hitched to the car. And Sherpa flew in last night so he could immediately turn around and accompany me on the drive home, half way across the country. If all goes as planned, we will cross nine states in the next four days and be back in Wisconsin sometime Sunday. It’s hard to believe I have been in Tucson for the last ten weeks. What an dream come true! I have learned much on my “Solo in Tucson” adventure – I’ve had many new experiences, been well-introduced to the Sonoran Desert, and grown in totally unexpected ways. These months in Arizona have provided me with a great beginning. Now it is time for me to return to Wisconsin and continue the work at home. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my blog readers who have followed me on my adventure. Many of you returned day after day. And many of you left wonderfully supportive comments. Once in awhile, I even heard you cheering! While I loved being in Arizona, some of the time it was difficult to be alone, to face work I needed to do, to stay with the plan. Your visits, either quietly or with comments, were greatly appreciated.
go here As a way of thanking you for your support, I am having a give away contest. One lucky commenter will receive either an 11″x 14″ photograph from either my Southwest or my Midwest collection, or a set of five photo note cards. Your choice. (Details will be sent to the winner.) To enter the random drawing for one of these prizes, just leave a comment on today’s post. It would be great if you would mention one of your favorite Arizona posts from my “Solo in Tucson” experience, but to be in the drawing, any comment will qualify.
Buy Diazepam Tablets Online I will randomly choose one winner from the comments left on this post between Wednesday, April 13 and Sunday, April 17, 2011. The winner will be announced on the Seeded Earth blog on Monday, April 18, 2011.
go to site Now it’s time for me to finish the last minute details before Sherpa and I watch one last Arizona sunset!
How To Buy Valium In Australia What a wonderful parting photograph! It’s really hard to think of a favorite. Every day I read your blog, I’d think, “Wow, look at those clouds, this is my favorite,” or “Those colors are so amazing, this is my favorite.” But there are two that I think stand out for me. One is the close-up of cactus spines on 2/21/11 post. That detail of the spines is lovely and so Arizona for me. The other are the pots at Tumacacori, the ones at the granary. You were really leaning into Arizona then, still fresh and amazed by the difference in what you knew and the glory of what you could discover.
Tramadol 180 Tabs Online Thanks, Quinn, for being one of my most ardent supporters. I think I may still be in that hazy glory, aware of all I still want to discover in the desert. And I love the idea of me “leaning into Arizona” — why, that is exactly what I did!
Can You Purchase Tramadol Online I wondered if I’d enjoy the photos from Arizona, since I’m a midwesterner, too. I did, of course. Your macros of the cactus spines were the ones I particulary enjoyed. Your blog is part of my daily practice. I’ll be traveling till Sunday without computer, so I look forward to coming home and seeing your spring sights. There is nothing like that new green. Safe journeys, my friend. Thank you, MC, for including Seeded Earth in your Daily Practice. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos from the Southwest. And yes, I am looking forward to traveling north and east and seeing the emerging green of the land.
Tramadol Online Pay With Mastercard What a wonderful gesture, Bo. I loved all the macros of the cacti, espectially the prickly pear blossoms. I’ve really enjoyed following your journey and have hoped that your readers have in some way kept you company while you were in Arizona. The more I read, the more I realized that yours is similiar to one that my bigBear will find inspiration in: landscape, wildlife and nature photography (we’re partway there, but… not quite). I’ve read with seriously wistful wanderlust about your hikes and visits. When the photo of the teardrop camper showed up some time months ago, I was smitten with the idea. *SMITTEN*. We’d like to be doing something very similar, so I appreciate your sharing thoughts on your experience. I hope that you don’t mind if I get in touch to ask more.
get link Sending thoughts for safe travels as well.
Buy Generic Tramadol Uk My readers were GREAT company. And yes, by all means, get in touch. I’d be happy to share/explore my travel experience in more detail. And isn’t that wee tear drop trailer a sweetie. I haven’t had it in Arizona, and I’m anxious to open it up and start traveling the state of Wisconsin — at least on a few of the weekends when I’m not doing an art fair. Bo, Bo, Bo…..I’ve enjoyed every footstep, every photograph, every adventure, every word of your journey. This has been such a joyous time of self-discovery for you, but also for the rest of us who pondered about our own personal journeys while following along with yours. Each post has been amazing, but I admit my favorite AS OF THIS MOMENT (for it changes each minute) is the “Last Visit to Tumacacori.” Why? Your poetry. That visit, those posts, the photography sessions of yours from Tumacacori overall were my favorites from your trip. Your poetic missive about it was icing on the cake. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us, Bo. Debi, thanks for your support and well wishes as I took those footsteps and photographs and adventures. It truly has been an amazing personal journey.
source url I loved visiting Tumacacori, too. I thought the Park Service personnel were going to start calling me by name after my tenth visit or so! What a place for photos, for poetry, for just sitting and thinking. I have truly enjoyed following along on your journey, Bo. Thank you so much for taking us along with you. I didn’t always comment, but I’ve been reading and cheering you on. (Is there a course in blog commenting? Because I need to take one. I am often at a loss for words.)
go to site The two photos that took my breath away are Ajo Mountain Scenic Road and The Baja Red Fairy Duster. If I had to pick one, The Baja Red Fairy Duster. Red is not my usual color, but I love that shot. Love, love, love it.
Buy Diazepam Legally I’m so glad you enjoyed your visits as I walked my journey, Robin. And you don’t need a course in blog commenting–every comment is a precious gift!
source Ah, the Baja Fairy Duster — it is a most unusual flower, one of my favorites, too. Robin is the winner!
Tramadol Online Prices Bo, this is the first opportunity I have had since Thurday morning to connect to the internet, as I have taken a trip of my own. My thirteen year old son and I have travelled by car to Sydney, which is approximately 1,000 kilometres from home. I have never before travelled such a long distance without adult company and the nerves almost got the better of me on the morning we were leaving. But the thing that kept me motivated, when those butterflies nearly overtook my courage was remembering how brave you had been, facing your fears and travelling to Arizona. Okay, I know Sherpa took the trip with you and as I write this, you are no doubt both travelling home together, but it took huge doses of courage to follow your dreams the way you did.
source site You have been such an inspiration to me. You gave me the courage to follow my own dream to take a trip, even if I will only be away for one week.
click here When you asked your readers to tell you what we have enjoyed hearing about the most, for me it has to be any of the stories you have told about the Tohono O’Odham. Quinn was blogging about the Indians at the same time you were and I couldn’t get enough of either of your stories. They were fascinating! But then, I also loved the beautiful photos of the flowers on the prickly pear, but I also enjoyed any mention of your #1 fan, Sherpa! We have to just face the facts, Bo, all of your entries here have been brilliant!
go to link Have a safe trip home and I’ll catch up on your lastest news when I return home myself. xxx Oh Joanne, your comment thrills me, really thrills me. That my solo adventure might inspire others to follow their dreams, too — what better result could I ask for! I’m so proud of you going on your journey, and conquering your butterflies. Hope you and your son are having a grand experience, too. And thank you for being such a great supporter of my Tucson adventure. Your comments were always appreciated. So amazed at your journey, Bo! You did it!!!! This was the most remembered post for me: Last Visit to Tumacacori the way you wrote the words as they floated through…the way you were able to push out the “noise” of the surroundings that intruded…and pull in the sounds that connected with your soul. I admire you and your wonderful gifts:)
Susan Yay, Susan! I did do it!
enter site Thanks for coming along on my adventure. And thank you for your comments about the post on Tumacacori–it was a soul gift, definitely.