Spring Officially Proclaimed!

Spring Officially Proclaimed!

Spring Officially Proclaimed! © 2008 Bo Mackison


The Mayor of Madison has had enough, too, so I don’t have to wait 12 more days for spring to be official. Madisonians will be dancing in the slushy, gray-snow-filled streets once they hear THIS news.

Today’s mayoral proclamation reads:

“Whereas, the winter of 2007-2008 will go down as one of the most severe in Madison history with record snowfall, strong winds, freezing rain, below zero temperatures and now, on top of it all, Brett Favre retires (for cryin’ out loud), and

“Whereas, these conditions make us better, hardier people of higher character than our friends who have fled to places like Florida and Arizona (or stupider); and

“Whereas, even with those advantages, we’ve had ENOUGH already; and

“Whereas, Madison has never been a community that simply accepts the status quo whether that be the results of national elections, the realities of nuclear fallout, general market conditions, or, for that matter, mere astronomical forces; and

“Whereas, Spring is a state of mind brought on by the thought of paddle sports and the sight of sleek new canoes and other cool canoe gear; and

“Whereas, Madison has been described as so many square miles surrounded by reality; and

“Whereas, Madison has been growing at a nice pace which must mean that reality is therefore shrinking; and

“Whereas, reality is overrated;

“Now, therefore, be it resolved that Spring officially begins in the City of Madison at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 9.”

(Thanks, Dave.)

About Bo Mackison

I'm a photographer, book-artist, traveler, naturalist, and creator of the Contemplative Creatives Journey, An Online Workshop and Community and Desert Wisdom Cards and Workshops. Though often not well known, I find the desert a welcoming place - a healing space. Its mysteries and gifts transformed me several years ago. Since that first encounter, I return again and again to fill my well in what most people think of as a desolate region. I'd love to share my desert discoveries and wisdom with you. Please subscribe to receive my five part mini email course The Gifts of the Desert. It's my gift to you.


  1. ladypercy says

    Happy Spring!

  2. Here in Georgia we’ve had jonquils for weeks. So I’m with you folks: Happy Spring. I love your pics. As the Grand Poohbah of Learning in the Great Outdoors, the carnival of environmental education, I invite you to submit a post or three occasionally. I think our readers will enjoy them.


  3. There are many of those weaker types here in Arizona right now–all the RV parks and such are filled. They’ll go back to Madison and all the other snow-ridden places by about April 15, when we start having 100 degree days. Then, all of the desert rats will wish they were in Madison!

  4. Where as, I would like your Mayor to become my Mayor!

    Sorry just a little amendment!

  5. montucky says

    I’m glad to hear you now have spring! That’s a beautiful photo!

  6. Grin, glad Spring is there 😛

  7. Who is this “Mayor Dave” person? Does he not know that when it’s winter, it is what it is?

  8. jeanabaena says

    good luck with the whole spring thing. 😀

  9. This had me really giggling. The landscape shot is really inspiring (even if the snow defies Dave’s announcement.)

  10. Whereas, your mayor rules!
    –Q in Arizona, where the wild Mexican poppy is blooming with lupines.

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