Tree Portrait in the Cienega

Tree Portrait Tree Portrait © 2012 Bo Mackison There are years that ask questions and years that answer. ~ Zona Neale Hurston Answer Year 

Purchase Tramadol No Visa Cottonwood, the ancient one rooted in moist earth, branching wide and full. Bird chatter, hawk swoop,
I startle the blue heron balanced in the wet cottonwood debris, she spreads her wings and takes flight into the lush riparian cover. Breezes dance in the grasses, grasses dance in the cienega,
The bubbling spring seeps through the earth, greening the choreographed line of cottonwoods.

enter site I ask questions, seek answers, lean my back against the sycamore, off trail.

Tramadol Cheap Online Baboquivari watches in the distance. The clouds move through. ————- Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC, living and photographing in southern Arizona. There are days Bo wanders the roads, and there are days she stops, leans against trees, and watches the world.