Wupatki National Monument

Pueblo Ruins

source link Pueblo Ruins © 2007

Buy 100Mg Tramadol Online Wupatki National Monument, just twenty minute drive north of Flagstaff, Arizona, was established by the National Park system to preserve Native American archeological sites dating from the 1200s and the surrounding lands.

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/1puxtu7wncq The area has geological formations and abrupt elevation changes that, within only a few miles, provide six different eco-systems, and a wide variety of habitats for plants and animals.The effects of elevation are visible along the 36 mile loop road connecting Wupatki with Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument to the south.

Desert in Bloom

https://www.elevators.com/59z8fxdgc High Desert Grasslands in Bloom

go to link A drive along this road isa journey from desert grasslands (at less than 5,000’ elevation) to Ponderosa pine forest (near 7,000’). In October, the desert floor springs to life with flowers and new growth. Rabbitbrush glows bright yellow against the black cinders, remains from the nearby volcanic eruption, the red rock in the distance, and the blue sky.

Marking an Anniversary

Rosinweed in Autumn

https://www.yolascafe.com/61uw2iwief1 Rosinweed in Autumn ©2008 Bo Mackison

Order 180 Tramadol Cod I’ve been enjoying these sunflowers all through August and most of September, but now that it’s cooled down the flowers have given way to the fruits – woody things that I think have a special beauty all their own. A solid beauty, a quiet substantive feel. And a sign of transition, too.

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/rqxs26pa This marks the 366th day that I have posted to Seeded Earth. A year ago I set myself the goal of posting a photo a day for a year – and leap day added an extra day. And so today the goal is accomplished.

follow I thought for much of that time that I would stop blogging after the year was completed. But blogging has crept into my life and into my soul, and I like this part of my day where I sit down and take some time out to choose a photo and write a few words.

here I found out that I like sharing my part of the world with people, and I found people that I enjoy sharing this tiny part of my life with, too. And I really like photography. I’ve discovered that in the last year, too.

https://dcinematools.com/3a4u0iyh58k So for the time being, I’m going to keep taking photos and writing. Maybe not every day, but probably pretty close to it. It’s a part of my routine now, and a part I enjoy. It’s good to have a little routine in this crazy world and something solid in a crazy life.

Double Decked Out – and Celebratin’

Double Decked Plant

see url Double Decked Plant ©2008 Bo Mackison

http://www.mscnantes.org/jj5u8v9tiq Like this plant, I’m double decked out and just ready to set bloom on a new adventure. I have all my gear packed and the camping stuff assembled, and I’ve turned over the care of my house and cat to two of my kids. In a few short hours my husband and I will be on the open road in search of adventure. Sixteen days away from the daily routines (and not so routines) and off to explore.

https://danivoiceovers.com/eyihcuh We’re leaving the Midwest and making a 4000 mile trek from Wisconsin to Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico – and visiting some great National Parks along the way – Arches, Canyonlands, Great Sand Dunes, plus quite a few others. (We’ve had this trip planned a long time, and decided to go even with the price of gas. Thank goodness it has dropped by 60 cents a gallon in the last few months).

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/vrmx570k We have plans to visit a cousin of mine I haven’t seen in ages, meet my writing coach – a woman I have worked with for over a year by phone, but this will be our first face to face encounter – and have lunch with a blogging buddy, too.

Tramadol 50Mg Buy Uk I will be light on visiting blogs, though I’ll have my computer with me to download my photographs so I’ll probably check out how pervasive Wifi really is. Especially if we run into any rain. I’m sure there are coffee shops most anywhere with internet – even near the red rock canyons or on the outskirts of the Sonoran desert. But then again, maybe not.

enter I’ve used the magic of WordPress and my daily photo and rambling words will keep popping up. I mark a special anniversary tomorrow, and I have that post ready to go, as I wanted to think about what I was going to write. Not write it on the run.

Buy Cheap Tramadol Overnight So, while I’ll be hanging around, I won’t be hanging around as usual. I’m hoping for good driving, decent weather, (I’ve packed everything from long underwear and winter outerwear to swimming suit and tank tops), my maps are marked. And so we are off.

Yippee! Vacation is finally here. Bye.

Red Sumac

Smooth Sumac

Smooth Sumac © 2008

Sumacs are famous for their red foliage and fruits throughout much of autumn.  The fruits remain over winter and even throughout the following spring, providing much needed winter food for birds. It’s not that the birds are particularly fond of the berries (the berries are really drupes as they have a pit, not a seed), but that it is one of the few available foods. Moose and deer, however, are more than happy to chomp on the foliage and fruits, and often crop the bushes quite close to the ground.

I think the sumac is at its most attractive when the fruits are bright red, and the red berries are surrounded by foliage that is just turning from greens to blue/purples to reds.

Milkweed Fluff

Milkweed in Autumn

Milkweed in Autumn © 2008

The Common Milkweed, a native plant in Wisconsin, has rough textured pods that contain thousands of seeds attached to strands of silky down. As the pods split in autumn, the seeds open like tiny parachutes and travel on wind currents to a new site to seed.

This silky stuff has been used creatively throughout the years. Settlers in the 1700s and early 1800s used the fluff to fill their pillows and mattresses. In the 1860s, thread from the down was made into socks and purses. During World War II, schoolchildren collected milkweed pods and the pods were sent to central processing locations. The down was used to fill life preservers and to line the uniforms of the United States Air Force. Milkweed down is extremely bouyant and a few pounds of this spinnery stuff can keep a 150 pound person afloat in water.