Happy 5th Blog-a-Birthday, Seeded Earth Photography!
I have posted nearly 1900 photos to my photoblog in the past 5 years.
I pulled out a sample photograph from each of the Octobers I have been photo-blogging. When I began in 2007, I was new to digital photography, new to computers, new to blogging. In short, I had a lot to learn. And learn I did by daily practice.
I hope you enjoy watching as my photography years go by!
Read until the end, there are details on how to enter for a give-away in celebration of my blogging birthday.

Double Yellows © 2007
Deep blue lake trapping
Reflection in calm waters
Double yellow orbs
Photographed just after sunrise on a calm mid-October morning at Indian Lake County Park in Dane County, Wisconsin.
We camped at the Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado in mid-October. I wanted to photograph the dunes at sunrise. The temperatures had dropped into the teens in the early morning hours and iced the sculptured sand, making the trek up the dunes rather easy. It’s much easier to climb frozen dunes than to sink, with every step, into soft sand…
I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. ~~ Henry David Thoreau
You tell ‘em, Mr. Thoreau. Can I join you if I choose a pumpkin on the other side of the patch?
This little room is in the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, tucked just off the main lobby. The closed door, leading to a storage room, is quite short, and reminds me of an Alice in Wonderland portal. The stairs wrap around the room while allowing natural light to come in through the windows…
Everything in life is speaking, is audible, is communicating in spite of its apparent silence. ~ Hazrat Inayat Khan
In autumn, the colors of nature are what speak to me. They tell me to pay attention, remind me that what I saw yesterday or earlier this morning may well disappear into nothingness by noon. Autumn is the ultimate reminder that nothing remains the same, that change is a constant, that though we may hold treasures in our hands today, tomorrow our hands may be empty…
OCTOBER 2012 – Today’s post!
As I walked through Madison’s Olbrich Botanical Gardens this past weekend, I was happily surprised to see an art installation new to me – orange metallic cones near the bridge across Starkweather Creek.
What a joy to photograph! I love how the bright orange sculptures pop across the water, unexpectedly, and how the bright orange color complements the autumn background colors.
A favorite theme – a bridge crossing reflecting water – becomes even more appealing to me, with the sculptures in orange adding a sense of play to the setting. What an inspiring combination.
Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.
I am offering you a birthday gift during this birthday celebration of my photoblog. Leave a comment below and I will choose one (by computer number generator) for the birthday give-away.
I will send an original photograph to the winner, The photograph, either an 8 x 10 or an 11 x 15, your choice, will be a photograph I currently offer, and will feature a botanical or garden scene. Please allow me to do the choosing for you! (Special requests considered… 🙂 )
I will pick the winner on October 16th (my birthday, too!) and post the winner’s name on the blog.
Thanks to all who visit. Without you, blogging would not be nearly as much fun.