Very Pink Cosmos Very Pink Cosmos © 2010 Bo Mackison

Tramadol Online We spent a long but enjoyable day at Mt. Horeb’s Art Fair. The crowds were festive and spirited, even though it was hot and humid. We’ll be back again tomorrow for the second day of the art show. Thunderstorms are predicted in the early morning hours, but hoping maybe the storms will pass us by. We’ll see…

click here This pink cosmos was photographed last week at Allen Centennial Gardens on the University of Wisconsin’s campus in Madison.

Water Lilies

Water Lilies at the Chicago Botanic Gardens Water Lilies © 2010 Bo Mackison There is a new article in my series, Memoir Space, now up on The Calm Space, an online magazine published by Karen Wallace.

follow url In the article, I share an excerpt of a letter I wrote to a special woman in my life, and show how easy it is to write a bit of your life story. It’s as easy as writing a letter – yes, a handwritten letter! – and including it in a special occasion card. Go ahead. Take a minute and read  Spreading Happiness by Sharing Memories. The water lilies were photographed at Chicago Botanic Garden. I’ve been working with desaturated photographs, and in this photo, I left only a hint of the original color, while keeping the emphasis on the two sunlit lilies. Hope you enjoy both the article and the lilies.

Pale Purple Coneflowers

Prairie Flowers Pale Purple Conneflowers Pale Purple Coneflowers © 2010 Bo Mackison

watch My first wander through the Wisconsin prairies this summer – a feast of color. The pale purple coneflowers were in full bloom and danced merrily with huge stands of  orange milkweed. There were a few tall yellow compass plants, towering a good five or six feet high and bright orange wood lilies, too. Plus the waving grasses. I so love the prairie in bloom.

Five Points

Purple Columbine Vancouver Canada Five Points © 2010 Bo Mackison Purple columbine photographed at the University of British Columbia Botanical Gardens in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Crowning Glory

Yellow Flower with Crown from Vancouver, British Columbia

enter site Crowning Glory © 2010 Bo Mackison This lovely yellow flower has one of the most spectacular crowns I’ve ever seen. Photographed at the University of British Columbia Arboretum in Vancouver.