On warm, summery days, this seating is at a premium. On snowy wintry days, not so much…
The Hans Christian Heg Statue
Hans Christian Heg, a statue of Norweigian immmigrant who was a soldier in the Civil War. A prominent statue on the grounds of the State Capitol, and one I’ve photographed repeatedly without ever liking the results. Somehow, the snow and the white stone set the dark statue off to its best advantage, and I finally have my photo.
Winter Sunset
Train Load of Good Cheer
For as many years as I have been visiting the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin to see the Christmas Tree filling the rotunda, it has always had a certain simplicity about it which I love. The tree sparkles with lights. There are hundreds of hand crafted paper ornaments made by Wisconsin school children. And there has always been a model train circling the tree. Nothing fancy – this year a Wisconsin & Southern replica engine and a few cars are traveling ’round and ’round along a circular track – but it follows a rather nice tradition.