Desert Poppies – A Poem

Golden Desert Poppies Desert Poppies © 2013 Bo Mackison

source url Notice how present a flower is, how surrendered to life. ~ Eckhart Tolle

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until I explored her land each day.

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scrambled into washes torn asunder by summer flash floods.
Walked her rocky trails aware of each footfall,
threaded my way through deep crevice mazes.

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imagining my hand pierced with the spines of a saguaro.

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source I stand in her washes in spring, the desert in her blossoming season,
admire the waving yellow poppies, their throats flushed with red,
their roots grounded in a chaos of rock and grit,
their silken petals a delicate offering amidst so much ruggedness. —————- Oh the places, the spaces in the desert; the discoveries, the inspiration in the desert.



source Winds that once blew free,
now scatters dust to the sky.
~ lyrics from The Cowboy, by Randy Newman

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go to site I speed along the washboard dirt road, skimming its ridges,
Don’t jar me, bumping along dips and rises.

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chase tumbleweeds across the grasslands.

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enter Globes of sun-bleached gold, you can no longer travel on wind’s breath,
whipping forces crumble your desiccated skeletons.

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I know how it feels to be trapped, too, unable to roll away.

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Desert rain is never a promise, yet
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watch Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is exploring creative photography and emotion in a  series called Desert Lines – a combination of visual lines and written lines.

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