Flaming Torch Flower

Flaming Torch

http://lisapriceblog.com/a6wlbbkk Flaming Torch © 2012 Bo Mackison

https://www.mckenziesportsphysicaltherapy.com/70fxmy5 “A garden is a delight to the eye and a solace for the soul.” ~ Sadi

go here Yes, it is another view of the famed Torch Cactus, the desert flower I fell in love with a few weeks ago, just days before I traveled from the arid, hot deserts of Arizona to the moist, cool Midwest. It is a good thing (for me, at least) that I was quite infatuated with these particular flowers and so took hundreds of photographs of them in different poses, colors, etc.

https://www.pslra.org/sv2e0514cc In fact, these flowers will be, though unintentional when photographed, one of my themes for a week or so.

https://bettierose.co.uk/v0lcq48p4 Since returning to Wisconsin, I’ve managed to mess up my photo catalogs and so my many thousands of photos (including photos of subjects other than the Torch Cactus flowers) are hiding somewhere in my computer or on one of my external hard drives, but I’ll be darned if I can figure what the magic words are to make them appear again. (Sigh. Big sigh. Oh heck, a really, really big sigh!!)

see And yes, I could take some new photographs and re-install all my software and reboot my computer a dozen time with the  hope that I would then have some new photographs to work with.

Buy D10 Valium Online But . . .  since I’ve been back in Wisconsin (one week today) I have seen a great deal of rain clouds and rain, two things I work hard to be grateful for, because they are greatly responsible for all these glorious greens in the trees and the grasses and the gardens. But wet conditions have caused delays in my outdoor photography plans. So I am posting a new view of the Torch Cactus flower.

Tramadol Order Overnight Patience. Soon, very soon, the sun will shine. I’m sure of it.

source —————

see url Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She is cleaning her house, and occasionally checking the weather channel. Just in case . . .

Red Zinnia Abstract

https://opponix.com/7szvnrf I visited the Allen Centennial Gardens in the evening hours and found a bed of red zinnias awash in the last of the day’s light. I seem to be enjoying zinnias this summer, a flower I haven’t had much previous acquaintance with. I found many perspectives from which to shoot, including this close up taken parallel with the flower. I had a great time at this red beauty’s portrait sitting.

Buy Cheap Bulk Diazepam I’ll be at the https://www.rmporrua.com/y9zb826fufq Summer Art Classic Fine Arts Festival at the Courthouse Square in Baraboo, Wisconsin on Saturday August 14. If you’re in the area, stop by my booth and say hello.