Wintry Road

Purchase Tramadol Overnight Not much conversion needed to turn this (slightly) color photograph into a black and white. The road leads into Owen Conservation Park, and the park is always a good bet to visit, even in the midst of a blizzard. Snow plows are stored in sheds in the park, and so its road is one of the first to get plowed.

source site The last time I stuck my yardstick into the side yard, the snow measured a good 16 inches in depth. So the browns of November are now the whites of December.

Windmill in Winter

The Biggest Snowman I’ve Ever Seen

Guessing hes about 25 feet tall...

follow link Big Snowman Just west of Madison I came upon a friendly winter sight – the biggest snowman I’ve ever seen, complete with four tractor and truck tires for a hat and red Wisconsin Badger “we’re # 1” foam gloves. Guessing this snow guy is about 25 feet high and 15 feet wide.

click here This is considered entertainment of the highest sort in our wintry land. Great smile on the guy, hmm? Anyone ever see a bigger snowman??? Hey the sun finally decided to shine, and Mr. Snowman looks even more grand with a few highlights.

Now Hes Really all a Dazzle...

source url Now He’s Really all a Dazzle…

Order Tramadol Overnight Mastercard And a reader sent me a link for the BIGGEST snowman, which happens to be a snow lady. Gotta share this – the snow lady even has skis for eyelashes. Now how sweet is that. (Figures. She ‘s from another wintery state – Maine.)

A Courtyard Full of Trees

All in a Row

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Happy Birthday, Jeanne Wintry Blossoms Twenty-seven years ago this morning – 10:31 am to be precise – I gave birth to my first child. I look back and remember those early days of motherhood as being among the most precious of my life. Here are my Happy Birthday wishes to my older daughter. Enjoy. Laugh. Love.