Heading Dead Straight into the Storm

Driving through Painted Desert

https://www.boasdeibiza.com/boat/valium-australia-buy.php Heading into the Storm © 2014 Bo Mackison

https://www.prestoavenuedesigns.com/save/real-valium-online.php “When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”
~ Haruki Murakami

Travelin’ Road

Arizona Highway

enter Traveling Arizona © 2013 Bo Mackison

Tramadol Mastercard Overnight People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.
Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.
~ H. Jackson Brown

https://tudiabetesbajocontrol.com/relanzam/valium-buy-australia.php There are days I choose a destination and plot a route that avoids the interstate system or the major highways. I pull off to the side of the road, just so I can look at what I am seeing. Or maybe it is so I can see what I am looking at. There are many times when I don’t exactly know where I am, but I’m not lost.

http://geoffnotkin.com/laygu/online-valium-uk.php When it’s time to return home, I head west until my way is blocked by one of Arizona’s many mountain ranges. Finding a way around or through or over is part of the adventure.

https://www.iql-nog.com/2025/01/19/36umc4aoc2r Similar to life. When we run into an obstacle, we find a way over or around or through.

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go here Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.  There are many roads to explore, and many obstacles to overcome.

The Road Goes On and On

Farm Along the Road

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https://tvnordestevip.com/ulbkewdfs “The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.”  ~ J.R.R Tolkien

Valium Prices Online There are new roads to follow, new pursuits, new people to meet, new things to see, new photography projects to begin.

follow url Anticipating the beginning, once again, of a journey that leads me through the heart of the country, south and then west, until I reach the deserts and mountains.

go site Soon. Soon.

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click here Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She divides her time between Madison Wisconsin, Tucson Arizona, and the routes that join these places.

Long and Winding Road

Neading to the Northern Tip of Door County

https://thelowegroupltd.com/n9fvpcs Heading to the Northern Tip of Door County

https://bettierose.co.uk/gw8ao50 When you reach the northern tip of Door County, which is also the northeastern tip of Wisconsin, there is a ferry crossing. On the ferry, you can cross the channel called Death’s Doorway to Washington Island, one of the more remote places in the Midwest.

Tramadol Buy Canada This is the road leading from Gills Rock to the ferry. In this age when all roads are made straight, no matter the cost or reason, it’s unusual to see a road with such character.

Blue Skies

https://www.rmporrua.com/agix4sa1kn There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you . . . in spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself.  ~Ruth Stout