Wintry Day on a Sky Island

Winter on a Sky Island

Order Tramadol Us To Us Winter on a Sky Island © 2013 Bo Mackison In every walk in nature, one receives far more than he seeks. ~ John Muir

follow link Snow in Arizona? Sure. Arizona has its share of mountain ranges. The state, when viewed from far above, might resemble a piece of brown corrugated cardboard. Mountain ranges alternate with valleys, and those mountains peaks, many which near 10,000 feet in elevation, get plenty of snow.

source A couple of days ago the snow moved even further down the mountains, and I headed for the nearest mountain range, the Santa Ritas, and drove towards Madera Canyon. Before I reached the road climbing upwards through the canyon, I saw clumps of wet snow hanging on ironwood trees, acacias, palo verdes. A few cholla had a snowy mitten on every arm. The prickly pear and yucca wore coats of white. What a sight! it was the first time I’ve seen measurable snow in the foothills, mostly a thornscrub habitat.

Sycamore Snow Fall Sycamore Snow Fall © 2013 Bo Mackison In all things of Nature, there is something of the marvelous. ~ Aristotle As we drove to the higher elevation, several inches of heavy snow covered everything. The wind was breezy and it seemed wherever I walked, the sycamore trees were throwing the snow off their leaves and branches and aiming for me.

Sycamore Leaf Creek? Trail of Sycamore Leaves in Madera Creek © 2013 Bo Mackison

enter site The sound of water says what I think. ~ Chuang Tze (c. 360 BC)

Tramadol Order Overnight When we reached an access area for Madera Creek, I hiked along the creek. Water was flowing amidst a bed of red sycamore leaves. Surrounded by the whitest of snow, the creek seemed more sycamore leaf than tumbling water.

Order Tramadol With Cod I enjoyed my brief foray into the wintry weather, especially while standing in the rays of the warming sunshine. ————– Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Yesterday she traveled to a wintry sky island in southern Arizona to play in the snow. Nature is truly a wonder!

Life is Like a Puzzle

Tree Silhouettes

source link Tree Silhouettes © 2013 Bo Mackison

Buy Real Valium “Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passes and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
~ Yoko Ono On my month-long break from the Southwest, I returned to Wisconsin’s winter, and discovered this year’s snow season felt more brutal than in the past. The nearly two feet of snow that fell during the earlier part of my visit has had no opportunity to melt. The snow is as deep as the day it fell, though it has been swept aside from walks and roads to make it more manageable for travel. Even so, my outdoor explorations were limited to walks around the neighborhood and a few sojourns by car. There is no such thing — for me — as a wander in a forest or a tramp through a field or prairie if I have to plow through depths of snow with each step I take. And so the photos have been few. They all fall into a single category – trees in snowy winter. I do love the trees in winter, the branches exposed, the skeletal trunks and limbs showing the soul of the tree. Even the conifers have a minimalist feel to them. This morning’s sunrise  – I’m watching it as I write – will be my last in wintry Wisconsin for quite a while. It’s a pale sunrise this morning, as if the cold has frozen the rays into a cool white light.

click here The snow is a beautiful sight from my windows, but I miss being in the middle of nature, in the midst of the weather and the breezes, tramping on the land.

source url There is much I miss when I am away from Wisconsin and living in the Tucson area. There is much I miss when I am away from Arizona and living in Wisconsin.  Life is rather like a puzzle — you fit the tiny pieces in as you find them, not sure of the big picture. Each day is a new puzzle piece, and they all fit together to make one huge whopping, incredible, messy life. —————— Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. Tomorrow is a transition day – travel, comings and goings, many opportunities ahead. Keeping my eyes open in anticipation.

The Road Goes On and On

Farm Along the Road

Wisconsin Road © 2013 Bo Mackison

“The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.”  ~ J.R.R Tolkien

There are new roads to follow, new pursuits, new people to meet, new things to see, new photography projects to begin.

Anticipating the beginning, once again, of a journey that leads me through the heart of the country, south and then west, until I reach the deserts and mountains.

Soon. Soon.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC. She divides her time between Madison Wisconsin, Tucson Arizona, and the routes that join these places.

Snowed Under

Snowed Under

Snowed Under © 2012 Bo Mackison

With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things. ~ William Wordsworth

It’s that time of year when the to-do lists are pages long, frantic looks cross many a face while negotiating jammed sotores, gas lines are long, grocery stores are packed. Everywhere, it seems there are crowds of people intent only on crossing off the items on their Holiday  lists.

I’m staying home today. Or at least very near to home today. I did take a brief walk outdoors, though it’s not much of a walk. More like a push you foot into a pile of snow and pull it out again, all while keeping your balance. I managed a walk to check on a few of the backyard trees before I tumbled backwards and landed in enough snow to cover me completely. So that was enough snow time for this morning. We don’t have sidewalks, so my choices are either to walk in the crusty ruts of the streets, icy and gritty, or to stay inside.

I think today is a good day for a bit of solitude, some quiet time for reflection and journaling before the busyness begins. The logs in the fireplace are ready to be lit. Since the sun is in hiding, I think I’ll make a bit of sunny warmth inside. Brew a cup of tea, and write a few letters to include in the family cards.

Blessings to all as you go about your day.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

The newest issue of Sprout Magazine , edited by Amanda Fall, is now available for download and purchase. I am pleased to be included in such a wonderful group of gifted and inspiring contributors. This issue’s theme is simplicity.

Oak Leaves Amidst the Snow

Oak Leaves And Snowy Tree Trunks

Oak Leaves And Snowy Tree Trunks © 2012 Bo Mackison

“Take long walks in stormy weather or through deep snows in the fields and woods,
if you would keep your spirits up. Deal with brute nature.
Be cold and hungry and weary.” ~ Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

The skies are a bright blue and the snow’s brightness has turned this wintry wonderland into a glittering reflection of light. I love the woods when the trees wear winter white thanks to the blowing blizzard and the sideways falling snow. And I especially like the contrast of the brown oak leaves, still on the trees.

The snow was perfectly timed to greet the official beginning of winter.


Bo Mackison is a photographer and the owner of Seeded Earth Studio LLC.

The newest issue of Sprout Magazine , edited by Amanda Fall, is now available for download and purchase. I am pleased to be included in such a wonderful group of gifted and inspiring contributors. This issue’s theme is simplicity.