https://www.marineetstamp.com/9eqoabqx8u LEGO Traveler at Copenhagen Airport ©2018 Bo Mackison
see url October 6, 2018
enter site It took us 25 hours to get home — 25 long sleepless hours. But it all went smoothly — no lost tickets, no lost luggage, no missed connections.

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/y9fr48gwo4 Flying Over Amsterdam ©2018 Bo Mackison
https://geolatinas.org/2fo4v37ph2 Flying over Amsterdam, I was able to spot the Viking Sky in the Cruise Ship Terminal. (near the bottom of the page — where the harbor splits into an upside down V, that skinny white ship is the Viking Sky)
http://www.mscnantes.org/ctv083kid5v From the ship (1 hour) to the Amsterdam Airport where we had a long wait for our first flight (3.5 hours) to our first flight to Copenhagen (1 hour) to our second long airport wait, but this time with lots of shopping options, so not as tedious (4.25 hours) to our second flight of the day to Chicago (9.25 hours) to going through customs (1.25 hours) to waiting for the bus (1 hour) to the bus ride from O’Hare to Madison (3 hours) to a car ride to our front door (.75 hours)
https://alldayelectrician.com/zk4biugh Home, safe and sound, with memories to last forever.